SharePoint: ADX Depot

What was the Issue
ADX had moved their emails to Office 365 and wanted to move their file storage to a Cloud Based system. They wanted to be able to put out communications company wide and build a central location to hold company information. They also wanted to ensure that documents were also accessible by relevant team members so file storage permissions had to be considered carefully. In addition to this they wanted to be able to store policies, procedures and forms in an easy to navigate area for all staff.
What was the End Result
A company Intranet in SharePoint as well as company-wide training to help with the adoption of SharePoint. What was the result? A custom-built communication site utilising out of the box features as well as custom built webparts to enhance the accessibility and features within SharePoint. Integrations with external systems were also scoped and built. Document storage was built into the site to organise company data and set up permissions securely using the correct policies.