SharePoint: Atkar

What was the Issue
Atkar wanted to move their data to an easily accessible location that would not require connecting back to the office network through VPNs or RDP.
What was the End Result
We suggested a move to SharePoint and OneDrive for Business along with an upgrade to the Office 365 Business license. We helped migrate the data to SharePoint and trained the users on how to access SharePoint onsite and offsite. We also mapped folders on workstations so that the users didn’t have to navigate to OneDrive and save data. They could save data like they usually would (in Documents, Pictures, and Desktop) and the data would upload automatically to OneDrive. This was huge in adapting users to thenew format quickly. The longest part of the resolution was migrating the data to the cloud. Once this was completed, employees were quick to pick up on how to use SharePoint. We were able to confidently disable share drives within a week of launching SharePoint and haven’t had to access them since. The more adventurous employees were quick to teach others anything new they had picked up. We are now at the point where we have started using flow to move email attachments directly into SharePoint folders. Atkar is now able to access their data securely and from anywhere. There is less burden on the onsite hardware and the stress of a power surge, flood, or fire wiping out years of data has been alleviated