Teams Calling: RXI/CSM Service Bodies

What was the Issue
Upon acquiring CSM, RXI merged the email addresses and data into the RXI tenant. However, their phone systems still operated in Silo. To add to this, CSM had 2 locations with each having its own individual phone system in place. The users across these 2 sites as well as those within RXI could not handle phones calls internally efficiently and it was also costly to have 3 different solutions in place as well as physical handsets.
What was the End Result
What was the solution? Teams Calling. With both businesses using Microsoft 365, Teams Calling could be deployed. This not only allowed internal communicant to be easier but also made for an overall better customer experience with call transfers now being possible regardless of where the user was based. Costs could also be streamlined, and physical handsets were no longer needed. Staff could work from any location and still have access to their phone system.